1M (82916, settings after I upgraded my 512K board)
W3, W4, W5, W6, U45 ('ALS157), W14, W12, W13. 32 off 41256 RAMs.
Thanks for this info Tony.
Jos, busy
finding the DRAM's in my "archive"
A it of advice if you're doing the upgrade. If, as I did, you decide to
socket the new RAMs, you can used turned-pin sockets,
I tend to not use sockets in this case.
I will test the boards after freeing the holes, test the 41256's before use, but then
I will just solder them.
I am just fighting multiple 4116 failues in my Lilith's spare memory boards, and these
drams are soldered in. It is a pain, but i believe 41256 are less errorprone then those
3-voltage 4116's and I just dont like sockets.
BTW Lilith hardware and microcode docs are up on bitsavers, if you are looking for some
bedtime literature !