A private special-interest eBay-clone might still be
investigation as a convenient venue for those of us who are already
part of the club to swap our toys, but I don't think it'll replace eBay
as a place for new items to find their way back into the hands of
dedicated collectors any time soon.
Like you said what makes eBay work is it is big. So sellers (i.e. actual
merchants who want to make a living) who want to get the most money for
something want the biggest exposure will go to eBay. eBay lets them sell
their SB card to some guy in SE Asia for ridiculous amounts of money
(anybody seen $100 KB and mouse auctions lately???).
Honestly, I don't think we need anything fancy to sell. We could simply
start another mailing list and people could post items for sale w/ asking
prices and negotiations can be done privately over email. Easy peasy. What
do you think?