Got my 4D/25 TG running (Thanks, Robert) with a new 3010 FPU. I have
IRIX 5.3, but even in 32MB it's somewhat slow and a bit unstable. Has
anyone on the list used 4.0.5 or 3.3? I have talked with someone in the
area who has a set of 3.3 tapes, but I don't want to bother him if
there are usability issues, and I haven't talked with anyone about
4.0.5. Is there anyone who has used these? All i've seen are
screenshots and the fact that 3.3 is SysVr3+NeWS(?) and 4 is
SysVr3(+some r4)+X11, and that the IDO is needed for any practical
work. I have v5.3 & v6.5 Indigo2s, so I don't need it for 'serious'
work, just looking for recommendations & pointers.
-Scott Quinn