Sure I do, but then again what's a mini? Got a
PDP-11/23 and another
It's difficult to define 'mini' IMHO. I tend to claim a 'mini' is a
machine smaller than a mainframe (i.e. I can fit it in the house!) but
where the CPU is not a single chip, or a single chipset (which would make
it a micro). Unfortunately that makes the 11/23 a micro, which is curious
to say the least.
That and my Intellec mds800 Multibus machine. Running
Half the cabinet is Linear Power Supply!
I know the MDS800 well, and it's certainly a micro. I have one, with the
double-density disk controller, 8080 ICE cards, Universal PROM Programmer
(which is controlled by a 4040), etc. It's based on the 8080, of course.
The gates in my computer are AND,OR and NOT, not Bill