I'm in dayton(ish) at the Holiday Inn in Fairborn just off I-675.
I can't easily check my main email account, as I only have webmail here
and I get nearly 500 msgs per day on that account, for which
I have a bajillion Eudora filters at work at home, but not the laptop.
I can be reached at my secondary account (z at 30below dot com)
or also at my ham radio account (which I rarely use, but I'll
check a couple times a day over the weekend) at ab8kk at 30below dot com.
I have OnStar in my truck if my cellphones outta range, but of course,
that'll only work whilst I'm in the truck.. ;-) If you see a dark red
Chevy Avalanche with a Michigan National Guard Plate (with an Apple
initialism embedded in it, no less!) dollars to donuts it's mine.
It'll be locked, but you can leave a note on the windshield... ;-)
My cell number is AC 906 rest 440 6909, I should have it on all evening
and tomorrow -- my plan doesn't cover OH, so keep 'er short... ;-)
[[ The *best* plan I can get offers MI and WI; that's it. :-( ]]
Is the plan still Friday nite around 5:30 or 6:00 pm?
M$ MapPoint doesn't have a "Porky's" in a 6 mile radius of Hara,
but there is a restaurant called "The Rib Spot." Is that it?
I'm gonna be at the hamfest prolly all day tomorrow, cell phone on...
If we're gonna get together, email/call me, eh?
See ya laterz (Hopefully!),