One of SoCals best auction sites turned its head and coughed for the last
time today, BBC auction in Huntington Beach went up for auction to the bare
walls today. Blood flowed in the aisles, and all that saved me (not like I
got saved) was the grouping of lots into amounts even I considered insane
for me to bid on. I bought about 3 pallets worth of Apple Service parts, a
MacTV, a rack of different kinds of printer expansion memory, and lots more
that I still have no clue on entire contents.
So far the sort of treasure that I have snooped in the loot are brand new
IIgs and Mac Plus keyboards, drive mechanisms for the CD SC, new 20 MB
drives, and lots of useless printer parts. ;)
Sometime before my next garage sale in July I WILL have a list on my web
site. For now I am working on how the heck to get it all home.