On Mon, 23 Sep 2013, David Griffith wrote:
Does anyone here have any clue where I can find 6-32
1/4" screws with
torx heads of the sort one would use to secure hard drives? The only
source I know is scrouging HP stuff and I'd really like a better source
than that. Philips screws annoy me to no end..
What shape head and what type of steel? The combo T15+slotted (and other
T15) 6-32 screws that Compaq (now HP) once used for their drives which had
a "cheese head" were custom made. Compaq also used an assortment of T15
and T10 6-32 "button head" screws for securing drives, including some with
conical or star type lock washers. Generally most of Compaq's screws were
zinc plated steel, but sometimes you would see type 304 (18-8) stainless
steel screws as well. You generally want to avoid using stainless with
aluminum though (such as with hard drives or the older cast-aluminum frame
floppy drives) since stainless steel and aluminum are dissimilar and the
stainless could cause the aluminum to corrode.
I don't have a source for those custom T15 cheese head screws, and if you
find a source for them in bulk, I'm looking for both the 6-32 and M3x0.5
sizes myself.
If you just need a few button head screws for a project, I can probably
help you out. If you need a lot of them, I'd say look on eBay since
McMaster-Carr's prices for button head screws is /extremely/ high. I
bought some stainless steel button head 6-32 screws (I think they are T10)
~6 months ago but I already had a small package of 6-32 button head in
zinc plated steel.