I have the
HP150 TechRef with the supplement for the 150-II.
I've got an HP-150 which just developed a video problem. Any chance
the TechRef is downloadable somewhere?
I don;t think it is. The obvious place to look would be
http://www.hpmuseum.net/ . I think the service manual is there, but
that's a boardwsapper guide, no schematics.
The Techref 150 Techref contains schematics of the whole machine _apart
from the PSU_. It does include the logic boards, video
board, keyboard and
touchscreen. The -II supplement includes the 150-II mainboard
but not the PSU/video board, keyboard or touchscreen (the last 2 are
standard HP-HIL devices). I did trace put the schematics of the PSU/video
board in my -II, though.
What's the problem with your unit? Does it appear to be a digital
problem, or a problem with monitor circuit?
know HP is still here, but, ending somewhere in the
1990s, they lost
that "magic touch." Previously, EVERYTHING they did was close to
We've discussed this many times at HPCC meetings. My feeling is that the
'golden years' of HP were about 1965 to 1987.
The real 'death' came when they split off the test equipment division as
Agilent. At one time HP were known for making some of the best test gear
available [1], now they're known for cheap and nasty inkjet printers. A
great pity if you grew up with their great products.
[1] Although I always thought Tektronix made better 'scopes :-)
I have an _old_ -- over 40 eyars old -- HP frequncy counter. Apart from
a very clever design (how about making a decade counter, latch and nixie
tube driver in 8 transistors (and no ICs), I am always amused by the fact
that the _low precision_ timebase is the intenral oven-stabilised crystal
oscillator, good to 3 parts in 10^9 after warmup and calibration. The
high precision add-on was, of course, a rubidium beam.
That's the HP I knew and loved :-)
miraculous. I don't think ANY company has come so
close to doing
engineering perfectly for the state of the science (and art) involved.
Even more amazing was the CONSISTENCY with which they cranked out one
amazing feat of engineering after another. Now they are just another
Needless to say I am addicted to their (old) calculators. I still
routinely use HP41s. There's an HP16C on my workbench. I regard the
HP9100 as the most elecgant piece of electronics that I've ever had the
pleasure to work on. THe HP98xx series (all of them -- 98x0 and 98x5
machines -- are interesting, ingenious, and still work well with minor
repairs30 years after them were made. And as I mentioend I like the
9000/200 series.
I am not a great fan of the HP80 series. Yes, they work. They do what
they claim (which is more than I could say of some manufacturer's
offerings!). But there's too much custom silicon inside, the expansion
bus is plain strange (and at 6V voltage levels), etc. Not really my first
manufacturer of PCs. Not that they are bad, or
anything even like that,
but one no longer wonders if they have secret access to alien
technology. (The preceding is a statement of personal opinion,