This is great! Thanks Mattis, Jonas and Al.
Somewhere I have an early DNIX system image from a development machine.
I don't know if that is interesting to put on bitsavers as well?
On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 10:59:29AM -0800, Al Kossow wrote:
I've uploaded them to
I should get my Colex 68K unix bits pulled together
It was a VME 80186 MSDOS system that had a 68000/68451 board grafted onto it to run
Unisoft Unix
On 11/17/16 10:52 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
A guy in Sweden made the effort to image the
install media for DNIX 5.3 and 5.12 as well as ABCenix 5.12.
These are for computers made by DIAB (later part of Bull) DS90 and Luxor ABC1600 (branded
Luxor but developed by DIAB).
They all were 68k based. The early DS90 had 68010 + 68451 MMU. The ABC1600 had 68008 and
some homebuilt MMU. The ABC1600
is quite a nice machine with 768x1024 b/w portrait screen that can be twisted into
landscape. It has a simple windowing
system. Actually half of the hardware that make up the system is the graphics board.
Unfortunately the 68008 makes it
quite weak.
I hope that the imaged disk can end up in a safer place than my dropbox, for example
Thanks Jonas Malm for doing the disk images (I am just the messanger)!