and was able to boot up the
only DOS 3.3 disk I could find - Zork I.
Minor nitpick: Zork I doesn't use DOS of any version. It was originally
shipped on a bootable 13-sector diskette, and later on 16-sector, which
is what you have.
The earliest Zork I release was buggy as all heck. Once I managed to have
in my inventory about 20-30 "rooms".
In the early-to-mid 1980s, Infocom used to offer a bunch of their games
for the PDP-11. Naturally I didn't get my first -11 until after that.
If anyone has a copy of Zork (or the other games) for the -11, I'd
certainly love to get a copy.
The -11 processor would do a good job of implementing the Z-machine.