On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Megan wrote:
If you're running RT-11, Version 5.0 or later:
The problem is that I don't think he is... I seem to remember
a prior post mentioning RSTS V9.?
This latter is correct... I have used the RT11 RTS under RSTS V9.7
on the 11/44 in question.
I don't think there is any support for the RT-11 logical disk
under RSTS... the RT-11 RTS (run-time system) on RSTS is, I
think, based on V3B of RT-11 with extensions to the CSI for
RSTS UICs and protections...
RT11 docs I have complete.. I can look up the 'logical disk'
stuff there.
I think Task #3 (task 1 was getting the 9trk working, task 2 is
putting it all in one [uuuwaaaghhh!] rack) will be to get an RL02 or
two up an on the air... then try to get RT11 of some version
running... then play.
I think I've not just bitten off more than I can chew.. actually I
think the Sandwich itself is bigger than I am.... ;}
Thanks for the help y'all!