let me ask you
a simple quesiton. You have to flash an LED at about 1Hz
-- the exact frequency is not important. Nor is the duty cycle (within
reason). You also have a suitable supply line (so no need to consider 3
terminal regualtors, etc)
Now, off the top of my head there are 3 obvious solutions (there are many
more too, of course ) :
A discrete component multivibrator -- 2 transsitors, 4 resistors, 2
capacitors, LED
A 555 astable --555 Timer IC, 3 resistors, 1 capacitor (2 if you are a
purist and want to decouple 'control voltage), LED
An 8 pin microcotnroller, 1 resistor, LED
Which of those 2 you consider to be the simplest?
I wasn't the one being asked, but as a software guy, the 8-pin
microcontroller, 1 resistor and LED sounds like the simplest of the
solutions, as it gives me the ability to easily change the flashing rate
(say, from a simple on-off to three fast flashes, three slow flashes, three
fast flashes, pause, repeat).
But that is not part of the requirement. Adding unnecessary feautres is
often a way to overcomplciate things and end up with a poor design.
As you might have guessed I regard the microcontroller as by far the most
complicated solution. There are far too many components involved (think
of all the transistors inside that microcontroller), and for me the
design time would be by far the longest.
Of the other 2 solutions, it's not so celar which is the simpler one. The
2 transistor circuit certainly has the fewest active components. But it's
harder to design than the 555 circuit, and the 555 is not hard to fully
understand (I sometimeswonder if anyone actually reads the 555 data sheet
rather than jsut using the ocmmon circuits, it's well worth doing that).
Practically, which I used would probably depend on the components I could
quickly find.