I don't know about that car. I drove a Skoda.
Now let me get this straight ... you're saying that everyone who uses the MS
product is stupid and lame, is that right? You're saying that you're smarter
than they are, is that right? You're saying that nobody who'd use Windows is
as smart as you, right?
Calm down ... use the spell-checker, think a little ...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Raymond Moyers" <rmoyers(a)nop.org>
To: <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: APPLEVISION Monitor ,, `one true way''.
On Monday 06 May 2002 16:54, you wrote:
No ... it's the use of terms like
"winblows" that indicates the limited
OK WinBloat Dumbf**k95 "Attention KMart shoppers" etc
There are plenty of reasons why one might hate
Mickysoft despite your need for what Sigmund called "transference"
is rather emotionless for me, they don't matter.
East German trabants was not much of a car with its particle board
frame and little 2 cycle engine, but its what the poor slaves could get
after a many year wait while the commisars drove autobahn rockets
built the other side of the wall.
I would not be to fond of a trabant, either, i think you confuse
my view of silly and pathetic with hatred.
but letting that hatred stand in the way of clear
thinking about
why the entire computer industry is going the way it is a clear
indicator that the references of foolishness or stupidity are
pointing in the wrong direction.
Didn't we have court transcripts that laid this out ?
Like.. don't develop OS/2 apps or we will remove the insider
info you need to develop winblows apps.
The record is repleat, but here you go again making
statements on a basis that wont survive scrutiny.
Clearly, the majority of the world doesn't
agree with you. Most of the
computers that live in offices are used in exactly the way that you're
denegrating here, and if they didn't do that, you couldn't afford one and
neither could I.
if mickysoft had not taken the tactic of taretting marketing to
clueless and stupid ( about IT) upper management and
forcing sh**ware over the objections of the IT people.
Well we cant blame mickysoft, as it was an excellent
and effective tactic ( unless you was the poor IT guy
forced to toss away his chromoly tools for mickysoft
pliers made of potmetal.)
This is also well documented, the Aberdeen paper is classic.
> > Chapter 1: Philosophy Matters
> > "Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it,
> > poorly." -- Henry Spencer
> <geting on soapbox>
> This sort of drivel comes from those who are so insecure in their
> understanding of the world, as well as the world of computers, that they
> fear that if someone else is able to do what they cannot, they're doomed
Perhaps they're right... or should be.
Again.... emotion instead of reason.
As for "doomed" Unix has never seen such success, we are on a wave
like never before seen in the systems history.
Many reasons you could name, Unix finnaly available for inexpensive
hardware, at little or no cost, and the system maturity, unlike most
the systems that came before, we are still adding to and benefiting
from the exertions of those that came before us.
Distrust all claims for ``one true way''.
... well, me-boy ... I'd say,
"take a slice of yer own advice ..."
I operate on it, context, theres a word. with your claimed
perfection of English, perhaps your familiar.
so stepping out of the context, since you have already.
I told you this once already, Unix given a persona would not claim
best at anything, but it would claim, provably so, that its good at
more things than any other system.
So stepping back into context ...
Distrust all claims for ``one true way''.
Even the best software tools tend to be limited by the
imaginations of their designers. Nobody is smart enough
to optimize for everything. Therefore, the Unix tradition
includes a healthy mistrust of ``one true way'' approaches
to software design or implementation. It embraces multiple
languages, open extensible systems, and customization
hooks everywhere.
and to address the last one left hanging.
If you're new to Unix, these principles are worth some
meditation. Software-engineering texts recommend most
of them; but most other operating systems lack the right tools
and traditions to turn them into practice, so most programmers
can't apply them with any consistency.
They come to accept blunt tools, bad designs, overwork, and
bloated code as normal -- and then wonder what Unix fans are
so annoyed about.