From: christopher.parish at
To: cctalk at
Subject: HP-1000 Minicomputer System (w/DEC RL02) Guidance
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 01:07:42 +0000
Hello everybody,
I've always wanted to own a minicomputer, at least, ever since I learned what a
minicomputer was in my computer architecture class. Something about the user interface
was wonderfully refreshing, of course all we had was SIMH, which is awesome in its own
right, but wasn't the same. Anyway, last month I was finally able to pick up a
minicomputer (I could afford) off eBay, the HP 1000E/2113E.
Christopher Parish
As a project of love, I say go for it. Nothing impossible, just mostly time.
The only problem you may have is that you may need a buffer to keep
up with the drive.
I've done similar stuff in the past but not with fpgas. I've made a disk
setup, both floppy and hard drive for a NC4016 computer using
a XT floppy card and a XT hard drive card. I wrote my own drivers,
and did the 16 bit to 8 bit. I even added some hardware to swap
bytes of a 16 bit word to speed things up.