On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 11:25 -0500, Jim Leonard wrote:
Jochen Kunz wrote:
Linux supported way more of those funky,
proprietary IDE like CDROMs.
But most likely this junk was removed from (semi) recent kernels.
Removed from the SOURCE tree, or from most compiled distros?
Neither. On the generic Ubuntu Dapper kernel:
toresbe at fortran:/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/cdrom$ ls
aztcd.ko cdu31a.ko gscd.ko mcdx.ko sbpcd.ko sonycd535.ko
cdrom.ko cm206.ko isp16.ko optcd.ko sjcd.ko
Same sets are there on the default x86 Debian Sarge kernels, but
understandably not on sparc64.