Lets say I have before me three things; a nifty vintage machine with some
software that looks interesting, a large dumpster with a couple enticing
cables hanging out, and a auction with all the people grousing the lack of
late model Wintel boxes due to all the pallets of vintage computers. What
do I do? I can hear the trash truck coming in the distance, the guy with
the vintage machine and software is leaving as soon as he finishes a
cheeseburger, and the auction starts in 5 minutes and I haven't registered
The answer is, I don't know what I would do, it would depend on what was
really going on. The dumpster calls to me at a basic level the others can't
reach, but I am a thinking being able to intellectually decide my path.
Most likely I wander over and peek in the dumpster while I think about the
other two choices, and how unfair the world is. ;)
Back in the Wednesday night reality of my garage with no cars, most likely
I split my time between testing/fixing some hardware and sorting out boxes
of new stuff. I don't have much interest in running any software on less
than the best platform I have to run it on.