On 15 Jun 2012, at 09:14, jim s <jws at jwsss.com> wrote:
Is there a place with a description of all that one
needs to set up to
get the vax cluster going? I'm thinking that my vmware system could
host 4 to 8 linux boxes w/o a problem, but given the time I have to put
into projects, I'd love to get pointers on where the best starting point
is rather than a lot of hunting. I've got pretty good familiarity with
all the bits a pieces, but the devil is usually in the details when you
start to try to find all the parts. I'd certainly document what it
takes to get it onto a multi vmware / simh system.
I'm working on it for RaspberryPi, the procedure, minus the part about
preparing the OS SDHC card, is likely to be similar.
I've been doing some firewall testing with success
on the setup, and if
the traffic is routeable on the vmware virtual switches, I'd like to use
this a another test of that.
Sounds like an unteresting project, it could really prove viable with
something like a 4-thread i3 or i5 and 4GB of RAM to share out between
the VMs. I'd probably run a SSD or high speed disk for the partitions
to maximise I/O speed.
Mark Benson