Maybe I'm thinking of Tiger? I never went above
10.4 on my G4 (why
bother?), so maybe I'm thinking of that; my recollection was that it
wasn't easy to install unless you were upgrading. My memory has faded on
this one, too.
Tiger was a curious dichotomy. Apple's retail boxed Tiger does not come
with the Classic support tools (at least not my boxed 10.4.6, which will
boot any Power Mac capable of 10.4), but the OS maintained support, and you
could install the Classic support files and a System Folder off any machine
restore disc set. When I installed 10.4.11 on my Luxo G4, I used the boxed
10.4.6 and the Combo update to 10.4.11, and then installed Classic from my
iBook G4's system restore discs.
In 10.5, there is no Classic. And SheepShaver, as impressive a hack as it is,
is no substitute for Classic. Many apps don't run and the VM has a tendency
to hang up randomly. I still have some Classic apps I use, so I'm Tiger
forever on my G5.
------------------------------------ personal: --
Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * * ckaiser at
-- Success can eliminate as many options as failure. -- Tom Robbins -----------