yeah. I remember compiling being a lot more "fun" on those...
And the RT 6152 w/ the crossbow "rt on a MCA card" thing I think
worked with a PS/2 Mod 60 shell. boot began from BIOS on the 286 mobo
and then switched over to complete on the RT card. CompSci here used
to have a pile of them way back in the day. I remember some talk of
using dual crossbows to get a dual CPU fire-breathing monster. well,
you know, at least not slow as molasses
On Jan 20, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Steven Hirsch wrote:
n.b. All of the available C compilers have "quirks" that make
development work a real challenge!
For real rarity, there was an "RT on a card" that plugged into a
few of the later Microchannel boxen (Mod 80/85 I think) and let you
dual boot DOS and AOS. Never was able to get ahold of this bugger.