Subject: Re: US Sources for old ICs
From: Paul Koning <pkoning at>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:43:57 -0400
To: cctalk at
>>>> "Joe" == Joe R
<rigdonj at> writes:
Joe> The small surface mount only packages are a BIG problem for
Joe> individuals that want to build a single circuit. A friend of
Joe> mine designs and builds a lot of circuits commercailly and he's
Joe> always raising hell with the IC manufacturers and trying to get
Joe> them to produce chips in DIP packages. I keep telling him that
Joe> it's hopeless.
There's at least one company that builds SMT to DIP adapters, so you
can plug SMT packaged chips into DIP prototyping systems and the like.
Of course manufacturers don't want to use DIPs. They are electrically
inferior. For that matter, they are also obsolete -- if they made DIP
packaged chips they would certainly be very low volume products.
I understand the preference for DIPs in amateur work, though SMT isn't
really all that hard. But I can't imagine any reason for wanting DIPs
in new commercial designs. They are bigger, slower, not RoHS
compliant, ...
I prefer the larger SMT parts but I don't get worked up if what I get
is what I can get. At upper HF and VHF/UHF SMT is the way to go even
if your doing deadbug (ugly over groundplane).