I have had similar experiences with several brands of
desolder braid/wick
but I have also found that the Chemtronics brand always works well for me.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find it anywhere local and always
must order it from Digi-Key.
I suspect it is simply a matter of being impregnated with flux, but I'm
not certain.
ChemWick (which is indeed better than the other brands but this applies to the
Other brands too) will "dry out" and become much less useful
If not stored properly.
I suspect Digikey etc. move it a lot faster and store it more consistently
than the local shops or many lesser mail order houses.
If it does get dried out, dipping it in one of the fancy-pants fluxes will
Pep it up considerably :-)
Many of the higher-tech solder pastes and fluxes have to be stored at
Even more tightly controlled temperature/humidity.