On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Jay West wrote:
My dad was cleaning out part of the garage and came
across the Programmer
Reference Card for the S-C Assembler II Disk version 4.0 for the
pple ][ and Apple ][ Plus.
Gawd does it bring back memorys of leaning assembler on my Apple ][+! Now
that I have the reference card and all the refreshed memories, is there any
chance anyone has the software itself laying around on a floppy?
Additional question - when I had my apple ][+ at around age 15 or so, I
always used a monochrome monitor. I never had color before I got rid of it
around age 20. I was wondering - does a stock apple ][+ support a color
monitor or is it monochrome via the RCA jack unless you get an add-in card?
Thanks in advance for any replies!
Jay West
Hi Jay,
Your best bet is to go to one of the 'pirate' sites for Apple software,
'ftp.apple.asimov.net' comes to mind. There you will find disk images
for a lot of programs, including the system master disks. Depending on
how patient you are, it isn't unreasonable to download DOS across the
serial line to the machine, then download the disk image and write it
to a real disk one sector at a time (using RWTS). If you use the DOS
3.3 with ADT, then you have a bootable disk that can be used to download
more images across the serial line. If you don't have a serial port,
I would recommend buying a super serial II on EBay (about $10).
As for the color monitor, I have tied them to the video input jack on
my TV or VCR. This was how many Apples were run in the early days,
and you get color too!!!!
Good luck,