> > The Algol/Pascal rule is very simple:
semicolons between
> > statements. Since Algol at least has null statements, if you
> > throw in an extra one it doesn't hurt, but that's the rule and it
> > works very well.
> >
> > Thus the program that Cameron quoted as begin; writeln('You had
> > best not be dissing Pascal, boy'); end.
> >
> > should be written without either of the semicolons.
> Why? (Unless you're talking about Algol.)
Because Pascal uses the same rule of semicolons as
Algol does.
I was all set to disagree with you, so I ran it through Turbo Pascal without
the semicolons and ... it worked.
However, when you say semicolons between statements, that's what I did. So
why could I have dropped the semicolons, unless I have the wrong idea about
what Pascal (and presumably Algol) considers a statement?
---------------------------------- personal:
http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser at
-- FORTUNE: The moon is in Venus' house. This will make no difference. --------