Just an observation:
1) The GPL scares a lot of vendors spitless.
2) Linux is, almost by definition, a rolling beta.
3) Linux users and admins are the world's worst customers.
These three reasons are pretty much why the mainframe folks can laugh
justifiably at the Linux crowd.
4) This last will get me flamed, but it's a fact;
Linux is a miserable
excuse for a desktop OS, for all the above reasons. Its sole
justification is that it beats hell out of Windows.
And these days, it is getting hard to even say "beats the hell out
of". These are not the days of Windows 95 anymore - it is pretty
stable and easy to use. And the Windows GUI was never all that bad
after 2.0 (yes, TWO) - it sure "beats the hell out of" some of the
nightmares seen in the Unix world.
Cripes - I see another Windows/Linux war coming up on the list. I
better fold up camp...