David Brownlee wrote:
On 22 February 2016 at 09:00, Holm Tiffe <holm at
freibergnet.de> wrote:
Bryan C. Everly wrote:
I applaud your goal. I'm trying to resurrect my 3100 so I can try and keep
this architecture alive on OpenBSD.
...you would'nt have much fun. Even an 3100/M76 ist dog slow..
Build a "world" on such a machine takes alsmost a week, not hours.
"Fun" is definitely dependent on frame of reference - I'm still
looking out for a uVaxII to go alongside my VAXStation 4000/90 on
which to run NetBSD (specifically to get timing numbers for every
NetBSD release, and "Just Because" :)
Yes, it depends..
I at least have a card cage with an uVAXII (KA630, UC07 etc ) and had run
Quasijarus a while before. Yes it's fun to play with old machines, but I
don't think that it is funny to build and test Software like PostgreSQL on
Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe,
www.tsht.de, Holm Tiffe,
Freiberger Stra?e 42, 09600 Obersch?na, USt-Id: DE253710583
www.tsht.de, info at tsht.de, Fax +49 3731 74200, Mobil: 0172 8790 741