Pete Turnbull wrote:
> > On Feb 4, ie ages ago, at 23:40, Jerome Fine wrote:
> >
Pete Turnbull wrote:
> > > >On Feb 4, 17:48, Jerome Fine wrote:
> > > > (a) As far as I know, there are no hobby versions, as yet, for
> > > > However, if there is enough interest, perhaps we could inquire. I
> would
> > > > certainly be willing to contact S&H to see if they might be
> interested.
> > > > Since I was a sort of distributor for S&H at one point and I
> have
> > > > my own license, I would be able to support hobby users. SO!!!! Are
> > > > there any potential TSX-PLUS hobby users out there who would like
> > > > to have this software?
> > > Yes!
> > ONE! I will inquire if the total reaches FIVE!
> Didn't anyone else show interest in TSX?
Jerome Fine replies:
I DID inquire from S&H as to the possibility of a TSX-PLUS hobby
license. Basically the answer was that they were waiting to see what
Mentec would do - if anything - and in particular the ACTUAL wording
of any updated RT-11 license from Mentec.
I do agree that I have not pursued the matter due to a number of factors:
(a) I was in the midst of (and I am still far from completed) switching
to a "newer" hardware system and upgrading from W95 to W98. While
this might seem trivial to most of you, I has been quite difficult for me.
(b) The word on the "street" was that Mentec was just about to release
a more reasonable hobby license for RT-11. While I will not go into
the details, in the last couple of weeks it now seems most likely that
the difficulty lies with Mentec in general and their difficulty to finalize
the more reasonable license in particular. I doubt that Mentec is
prepared to discuss the matter, so I don't know if they are concerned
about PDP-11 software revenues being impacted or whatever.
However, it is my understanding that Mentec's intention was to
sell a CD, possibly at a price which would provide more profit than
allowing users to share their own copies of any distributions which
Mentec considered eligible. And since I have never been made
aware of even hints of what the RT-11 license might contain, I
don't know if the CD method of buying from Mentec was going
to be the only option allowed to acquire the RT-11 distributions
that were allowed under the license.
In any case, since there were so few inquiries for TSX-PLUS and
I was and am still so busy, I dropped the ball. But until Mentec
makes the more reasonable license available, it seems that S&H
wants to just wait and see.
If a couple of others all inquire (in addition to Turnbull and Davis),
I will inquire again.
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
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