On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 08:54:51 -0600 (CST), you wrote:
%> This is STILL an American computer. You seem not to be interested
%> others like the Sopectrum, the BBC, Oric Atmos, Camputers Linx,
Oric 1,
%> Jupiter Ace etc.
%I've been looking for a Jupiter Ace for over 10 years! Do you have
%leads on them? (I didn't realize that they were not American
%as I learned about them in Creative Computing like all the rest.)
I have a jupiter ace. It's sitting is a closet somewhere back in
Another sign of the folly of my youth : the machine is stripped out,
the TV modulator is missing (modified the machine to run on a Zenith
monochrome monitor), the rubber keyboard is somewhere else, there's a
hole made on the plastic casing for a reset switch, and the last and
worst modification I made on it was to wire up an external keyboard to
Should have left it in one piece. Might have been more fun to look at.