On 03/01/2016 18:32, "Eric Christopherson" <echristopherson at gmail.com>
On Sun, Jan 03, 2016, Adrian Graham wrote:
On 03/01/2016 02:06, "Terry Stewart"
<terry.stewart296a at gmail.com> wrote:
It's interesting that none of my present TVs
would tune properly to the RF
of the ZX81 but they will with some of the other RF only computers like the
Coco 1 and Atari 400? More circuitry in the latter perhaps...
Going from an old, old memory from when TVs became auto-tune rather than
dial-in or 'press-a-button-and-hold-until-something-happens'
What's this about holding a button?
Modern technology :)
Going OT for a moment here (sorry Jay) over xmas I was talking VCRs with my
Missus and went off searching for the very first one I used back in '83-ish,
a Ferguson Videostar. I was surprised to re-learn that the channel tuners on
that were all the 'spinning wheel' type. There was one on fleabay for 10ukp
but I wasn't allowed to bid.
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