I'm working on decoding how to setup printers for
the Canon Cat. I've been looking at the setups that
are currently in the Cat. I'm looking at one that I
suspect has a lot of good information but can't find
anything on the web about setting up.
The printer is the Canon Laser Beam Printer called LPB8.
There were at least 2 LBP8s -- the LBP8-A1 and the LBP8-A2. They differed
in the amount of intneral RAM (and maybe in the ROMs, I don't know).
The LPB8 is a CX-engined printer, it's physically identical to the
original HP Laserjet -- even the formatter PCB is the same (and designed
by Canon) in both machines. What's different are the ROMs, so the control
codes/escape sequences are different.
Years ago I was given a broken LBP8-A1 -- the formatter board had a dead
PAL on it. As I think I mentioned before, I removed the formatter board
and converted it into a CX-VDO printer (no intenral formatter, the
interface connector goes straight to the print engine) for my PERQ. I
still have the ROMs from the formatter board if you're crazy enough to
want to covnert an HP Laserjet (origianl version) into an LBP8-A1.
I _may_ also have a user manual for the LBP8-A1. I can look. It might
give the esxape sequences.