This mention of the Lisa, M20, Onyx, etc. running some flavor of Unix
around 1982-84 and my memories of the Hated Plexus reminds me of an
experience that I had about that time (i.e. right about the time of
the Ma Bell breakup).
I'd read in one of the trade rags about the AT&T 3B5 and thought it
would make a great development machine. To this day, I don't know if
my hunch was right or not. I called AT&T computer sales and got the
runaround for at least a week. Fortunately, most of the referrals I
was given were 800 toll-free ones. I never could find someone who
could sell me one. It seems that everyone thought I was talking
about the 6300. It was very frustrating--"We have dollars; we like
trade them for computer. Don't want 6300; want 3B5. Ugh"
Did anyone on this list ever succeed in acquiring one around that
time? If so, how was the service and performance?