On 05/05/2011 22:44, Chuck Guzis wrote:
Those look pretty flimsly. The Fuji X2444 tape drive
in mine is
supported by heavy steel fron-to-back brackets. But then the drive
weighs well over 100 lbs. I've got it installed in an old HP Storage
Array rack--and I repurposed a few of the drive support brackets as
equipment supports as well.
Those support rails are actually pretty strong, the steel is thicker
than it looks.
If you're going to load heavy gear into a tall
rack with roll-around
casters, make sure that it has an anti-tip feature, should you hit a
bump in the floor.
We never roll racks around except when empty; all ours are mounted on
plinth feet rather than casters. In data centres, they only get moved
whn commissioned or decommissioned, and in wiring centres, well, they're
kind of tethered :-)
And at home I don't have any space left to move the racks :-)
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York