Greets all,
I?m looking to acquire my first VAX system. I?m a youngin? who?s been cutting his teeth on
OpenVMS through HP?s TestDrive program, and would like to have a box of my own.
I?d really like to track down a VAX 4000 unit, preferably a /300 or higher. I?m not too
picky about internals, I just need something to get started on (hardware collecting
I?m located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, so I?d be looking for a unit located in Eastern
USA or Eastern Canada (yes, I know shipping a BA440 will cost me a bit) and someone
willing to bubblewrap it :)
If I?m being insane, hoping to have a 120lbs unit shipped, let me know.. Should I be just
looking for the cards / drives separately, and try to find the case locally instead?
Ken Campbell
kcampbell at HYPERLINK ""
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