I had written....
> Hexxie snuck by me under a pseudonym.
To which Vince replied....
I, for one, don't care if it came from Hex (or
anyone else) via a
If it was appropriate enough to get approved by the moderators, it's good
enough for me.
I am the moderator in question. I DO care if it came from Hexstar, as I
banned him from the list and he then signed up under a pseudonym to get
around that and I didn't notice it. That is problem #1.
Problem #2 is that even if it came from a regular listmember, it still was
NOT appropriate enough to get approved by the moderators. Either I
accidentally approved it because I didn't read the entire post, or it got in
after I turned off full moderation mode. I am not sure which. Let me be
clear Vince, posting an entire wikipedia article to the list is not
If anyone wishes to continue this thread, please contact me offlist. I will
not have another long off-topic thread on this kind of thing. If the
sillyness escalates, people will find that I will be MUCH quicker to turn
emergency moderation mode back on than I was in the past.