Jerome H. Fine wrote:
Jerome H. Fine wrote:
>> >Terry Stewart wrote:
>>> I'm engaged in a Retrochallenge project where I'm recoding my
>>> site to make it suitable for mobile
>>> platforms. I
>>> want to modernise the code as well, making it as close to HTML5
>>> standard as
>>> I can
>>> The RetroChallenge blog site is here.
>> I checked this site under WinXP and found no problems. The software
>> is very old, but a quick search did not locate the version.
> As I mentioned, I backup up my Win98SE system, then accessed all
> of the links under Netscape 7.2 without any problems.
Sorry about the SPAM KEY being included in the Subject line. The
server which handles my e-mail frequently does that and I forget to
remove it from the Subject line when I reply.
Jerome Fine