Actually it'll use a EEPROM for the 6530 emulator. I've located
some small 28C64s. The advantage is that these can be programmed
with the debug board while on the KIM board. It should look good as
well because it will be tucked under the 6532. The registers are slightly
different on the 6530 and 6532 but they should work the same if one
ties the 6532s A4 a constant high. This looses half the 6532s 128 bytes
of RAM but the 6530 only had 64 bytes anyway so nothing really lost.
The only difference then is the interrupt. The 6532 has edge or level
interrupt but few people wire up the interrupt. It isn't clear but I believe
the 6530 is a level interrupt and that should be the reset level for the
I'm looking at board maker options.
From: cctalk <cctalk-bounces at> on behalf of allison <ajp166 at>
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 10:07:36 AM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: KIM-1 Debugging tool
On 11/13/2016 12:10 PM, Pete Turnbull wrote:
On 13/11/2016 15:52, dwight wrote:
I've created a simple debugging board that
one can plug onto the
KIM's expansion buss that has debug code on it. It allows one to find
out what is failing on the KIM so they know what to replace.
While developing it, I found that my 6530-002 is bad. As we all know,
these are custom made and no longer available. There is a similar
part, the 6532 that is similar, without ROM.
After verifying that every thing works, I may
create PC boards for
the debug and 6532 adapter.
I'm looking to see how many people would be
interested in buying a
set of boards?
Count me in, please.
Add me to the list. It is possible to have the 6532 and a eprom as a
6530 emulator.