Chuck Guzis wrote:
I do have a WS 4.00 for MS-DOS, which I didn't see
in your list.
It's the direct-write version.
While the 3.30 version isn't in the test suite available for download,
it too was the direct-write version (trying to select a display resulted
in a message saying that IBM DISPLAY was the only choice) so I did
indeed test a direct-write version. 5.0 also appeared to be direct-write.
Going from the sublime to the ridiculous...
You could always run Windows and Notepad. (Windows will run from a
floppy if configured that way). Note that I'm talking about 1985
Windows that runs on a PC with CGA/Herc/EGA. VGA hadn't been
invented yet.
Ridiculous indeed. If I was forced to run a graphical environment just
to write some text, I would rather it be Geoworks instead ;-)
Jim Leonard (trixter at
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