Who is it that they would WANT to withhold the
information from as to how
to properly use the parts??!? What are the undesirable consequences of
"unauthorized" correct information??!?
Yo uand I will nevr understnad how big companies think (or fail to think).
Presumably it's the same reason for not supplying complete and accurate
service manuals with full schematics. Not supplying spare parts for
'safety reasons' (I've got news for you. It can;'t be less safe for me to
repair somethng with the right parts than for me to have to werk out the
imporat characteristics of said parts and make soethign that will work).
It's probably the same reaso nthat British and European standards
docuemts are very expensiv (I was told the full set of standards for the
'kettle plug' connector would cost be well over \pounds 1000). Apparently
if they were cheap then people would be encouraged to distribute modified
versions and nobody would be sure they had the origianl standard. Come
again? The way to make sure eveyon has the original unmodified standard
docuemtn is to make that docuemtn aviaalbel for free/low cost. Then
people wil lget the origianl.
But as I said we'll never understand such people.