I went to Melbourne today to pickup some DEC rack slides for Jay. I
didn't find much at the first place that I stopped except a pile of HP
stuff. I called jay to see if he was interested in any of it and was just
poking around while I was talking to him on the phone. THEN I looked over
in a basket of scrap and spotted two DSD-440s! I grabbed both of them of
course. Next I headed to the place that had the rack slides. When I got
there I spotted this
<http://www.classiccmp.org/hp/Stuff%20Found%20at%20Rogers/front.jpg>. I
thought it was some kind of DEC floppy drive so I wasn't too excited till I
looked in the back ans saw this
Wahoo! Another DSD-440! I brought all three home of course. That makes
SIX sitting in my living room! (Yeah, the OL isn't too happy!)
I picked up a CRAP LOAD of DEC rack slides. Yeah, Jay, you'll be happy
<http://www.classiccmp.org/hp/Stuff%20Found%20at%20Rogers/Slides.jpg>. I
also spotted this
<http://www.classiccmp.org/hp/Stuff%20Found%20at%20Rogers/>. Warning there
are some BIG pictures there. I wanted to capture as much detail as
possible. It's a PDP-11/44 LOADED with cards and with a MPI 9448 cartridge
drive and it >had< a DSD-440 drive it as well.
I also captured these two beauties