On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 3:11 AM, Josh Dersch <derschjo at mail.msu.edu> wrote:
Rescued a complete Laserjet II from the garbage at my
girlfriend's apartment
complex, just couldn't let it die like that.
It powers up and passes POST, and the fuser heats up OK, but it doesn't want
to take paper from the tray. ?This seems like a common ailment and shouldn't
be difficult to fix. ?I don't have any need for it (got a LJ 4M+ as my
workhorse). If anyone wants it, come and get it.
(Seattle area.)
Back when these were relatively new, I worked in a computer store
fixing these printers among other things. I can't remember if this is
the exact ailment, but laserjet 2s and 3s have this little plastic
gear that likes to break teeth. As you open the printer, it's on the
right side of the fuser, I believe under a plastic cover there. It's
about 1/2" in diameter. There's a metal clip holding it in place. It
should be easy to cannibalize this from other laserjets if it's not
still available. I'm not sure if this is causing your paper pickup
problem, but you should definitely check this gear. Also, clean it
out and tighten the screws. Laserjet 2s and 3s like to unscrew
themselves during general use. The screws work themselves out and
fall into the mechanism. Maybe a little loctite is in order. If you
hold it upside-down and shake it over your head with the printer door
open, some screws will probably shake loose and fall out.