There is NOT much demand for this stuff. If you'd like to see what else
has yet to be claimed, try the NOT quite current list at:
Free Pickup In Berkeley (now sometimes in El Cerrito).
Otherwise postage ROUNDED UP - I'm out $300 so far, with $300 received.
I'm even having to BUY boxes! I'm not trying to make a profit, but, if
I don't break even, is there a reason to continue doing this [heavy] WORK?
So, even when rounding up, please consider the $3.50 PLUS TAX! that local
boxes sell for.
Fortunately, a very few people have been generous enough to make up for
when other people have not rounded up enough to cover their boxes.
If multiple people want something, I WILL NOT even try to "be fair".
I will select the recipient based on what is most convenient to me,
participation on this list, whoever will give me the most money, etc.
Publisher Edition Year ISBN-10 pages Binding Condition notes
(Note: "Perfect" is the industry term for paperback binding, NOT a
statement of condition, "shelf" means some shelf wear
"box number"s are for my convenience in finding stuff. They are NOT an
indication that you need to take the whole boxful of crap^H^H^H^Hgoodies.
Unless you want to.
Box A5
InDesign CS PageMaker Edition User Guide Supplement
Adobe Perfect shrink wrapped, NO
After Effects 6.0 User Guide
Adobe 2003 561 Perfect VG NO DISKS
Illustrator 10 User Guide
Adobe 2001 422 Perfect VG NO DISK
Office XP Essentials Course
Labyrinth 2002 1-59136-019-6 784 Spiral G
C primer Plus
Sams 4 2002 0-672-32222-6 931 Perfect VG
MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
Tandy 83 26-5403 254 Perfect Fair Binding has let
loose; Tandy published version
Microsoft C Run-Time Library Quick Reference Series
Microsoft Press 1989 1-55615-227-2 263 Perfect VG
Borland Inprise 11th Annual Conference Ad
33 Saddle
Borland Inprise 11th Annual Conference Ad
33 Saddle
Computer Literacy New Book Bulletin Spring 1995
16 Saddle
Office 97 Annoyances
O'Reilly 1997 1-56592-310-3 379 Perfect G
- 30 -