Did anyone check ACLO or DCLO...
On 4/22/07, Brad Parker <brad at heeltoe.com> wrote:
Tony Duell wrote:
Pin 14 is 'Sync' 'It indicates the begining of a machine cycle"
What is 'ready' -- pin 17 -- doing?
The state appears to be "wait". Intr (pin 18) is in fact low.
The "rdy" signal (ping 17) is high. I discovered that if I ground the
"rdy" signal (ping 17), then I see the state output change.
I suspect the cpu is halting for some reason.
I did try and capture the state of the Intr pin from power up and I'm
not sure it ever went up (but I was in a hurry and not sure I actually
had the scope in the right mode to capture it - edge detect, rising
edge, 3v, but I'm not sure the time scale was correct). The 8008 has a
bit of setup which is done and the logic counts 16 clocks before
asserting Intr, sync'd with the clock, which is reset when it hits
a certain cpu state. I'm not convinced this is working.
I think the next step is to connect a logic analyzer to the data bus,
sync and state pins. The nice thing is there are only 16 signals...
If I can watch it fetch I can figure out why it is halting.
The maint manual talks about using a delayed sweep to see how far it
gets but I think a logic analyzer will get betters results faster.
d|i|g|i|t|a|l had it THEN. Don't you wish you could still buy it now!