On 01/17/2014 12:06 PM, allison wrote:
One has to remember what the machines were used
for. It was designed
to solve very large problems that create huge arrays. Oil mapping is
one thing that does that, the others explode.
Two local machines that I remember was Apple, using Cray in their Esthetics Design Lab
and another at Industrial Light and Magic to control the models in many of the scenes from
Star Wars.
Another Lucas company, Droids Inc, had one on order. Whatever happened to them anyway?
The US Navy had at least one in Monterrey at the Fleet Weather Station.
I can't find my notes, but I'm certain that GM had one or more in their design
department in detroit.
Volvo in G?teborg was a early commercial buyer of its own Cray (before
they used the one in Link?ping who in the beginning was bought partly
for the Gripen project.)
Volvo used its machine for simulating car crashes and doing FEM
modelling of cars and truck.
I expect that GM (and Ford and Chrysler) had its own super computers and
that they used them for basically the same thing.