*", and HP will be happy so long as it gets some revenue from it."*
I think not. HP is , like IBM a company obsessed with image. I suspect all
this arms length stuff is to separate VMS from HP which as its a thrusting
, modern vibrant company does not want to be associated with something as
old hat as VMS. So long as its not too successful, and doesn't take
business from HP, or tarnish HP's image, then I think there will be no
problems. We live in an age where many think having a vibrant mission
statement is far more important than any product to back it up....
On 5 August 2014 12:00, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
On 5 August 2014 07:35, R SMALLWOOD <rodsmallwood52
at btinternet.com> wrote:
So unless VSI are going to issue x86_64 hobbyist
licenses then they
can't be much help to the program however supportive they
may be.
I don't know but I *suspect* that HP, as it continues to focus its
efforts -- i.e. drop the proprietary stuff, go for the mass-market --
will want to get rid of as much of this "legacy baggage" as it can. So
the new company will probably get all of the work, and HP will be
happy so long as it gets some revenue from it.
As for VSI, well, they'd be suicidal /not/ to continue the hobbyist
programme. And if they're bright enough to see that VMS still has
potential, surely they're bright enough to notice that fact?
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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