-----Original Message-----
From: John Foust [SMTP:jfoust@threedee.com]
Sent: March 18, 1998 10:23 AM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: Irreverence to irrelevance
I've always thought a much more sensible approach is the private
news server. It allows pruning of unruly threads, either by the
reader (ignoring off-topic subjects) or by a B.D. who trims
away junk messages. It allows auto-archiving. It doesn't clog
mail routes and mail boxes. You can read it with any Usenet news
just point to someone else's server. It would be easy to split
into .hardware, .software, .culture sub-groups.
A private news server is a Bad Thing for those of us sitting at
work with a firewall inbetween ourselves and the net. I do not think I
will have much success convincing the firewall admins to allow news
traffic to go through.
Joachim Thiemann
DSP Coder, Castleton Network Systems
I doubt therefore I might be.