There was also an 8-bit AtariXE GS
>> ciao larry
>AFAIK there was never a system named like that - just the XE.
Sure was: the Atari XE _G_ame _S_ystem. Had
(IIRC) Missile Command in the
built-in ROM and had a slot for others... if you added a keyboard, drive,
and all the knick-knacks, you could turn it into a regular XE.
OK, same thing - I was strictly refering to the 'official'
naming (branding) of the systems - keeping track of the
zillion names they used back than is a task of its own.
Personally, I'm of the opinion of "why
buy a car and weld on it a month to
turn it into a truck... just buy a truck." ===> why buy a game to have to
buy a bunch of stuff to turn it into a useful computer... just buy a computer.
Same with me - but as we have seen in the past the strategy was
successfull (All you need is a C64 and _maybe_ a datasette ...
just to lure them in and buy later on disk drives, and add-ons
until the system cost doubble the bucks of an A2 (clone) with
the same amount of beef :).
See my response to Merch.
The name on the box and machine is Atari XE Video Game System but it is
usually referred to as XE-GS. It came with more accessories than the other
Atari 8-bits. I think the light-gun only came with the GS. There was a cart
for using it called Bug Hunt, and I think there were altogether only about 5
carts made for the l-g. The other cart was a quite good flight simulator.
Don't know what got into Tramiel but it was a pretty good deal.
ciao larry.
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