Do you remember some months ago Dave McGuire dug up ten copies of
Framemaker for SunOS. He didn't want the rigamarole of packing up each of
them, so I volunteered to do that. Today I just received a big box
containing the packages. I picked up one, noticed the tape on the media
box was already cut, so I took a look. On the CD, dated January 1996, I
see this:
FrameMaker Release 5
Silicon Graphics
DEC Alpha
FrameMaker, International Edition
Frame Developer's Kit
Frame Reader
I mounted ths disc and, yes, it seems as though those other versions are
there (including for Solaris and SunOS). Anyhow, Kelly Leavitt has
already emailed me to claim one. The other nine are available
first-come-first-served. If you want one (one per person), email me NOW.
They're available for cost of shipping, which works out like this:
$price_to_you = ($shipping_from_mcguire / 10 )
+ $shipping_to_you
+ $price_of_carton
$shipping_from_mcguire == $45
$shipping_to_you == $5 (media mail in the US)
$price_of_carton == $2
This works out to $11.50 if you're in the US. A package weighs 6 pounds
and 5 ounces or 2.9 kilos
David Griffith
dgriffi at
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?