Other than the -H01-P02 sequence, the numbers agree with my KZPSA (mine
is a -F01 variant). From waht I could find out about the card, it is a
differerntial SCSI card, supposedly with single-channel RAID
capabilities. It's not in use at the moment; NetBSD sees the card when
it's in my NoNmae, but doesn't know what to do with it....
Sipke de Wal wrote:
I was donated a very long (full PC-XT length) PCI card
-An Intel I960 CPU.
-A Symbios Login 53C720 -Chip
-A LSI LIA9616 21-40677-02 DC74468 NNM9642 WE1557 -Chip
-And Various SMD ram and Rom chips
Boardnumbers I found:
-5022943-01-H01-P02 (SMS2)
-5422944-K Adapter
Is there anybody out there who's got a clue ?
Sipke de Wal