This last weekend I picked up a Commodore 64-C complete with a 1541 disk
drive and a 1541 ][ drive, about 6,000 games on 400 disks, printer,
manuals, Vic disk drive, tons of cart games, etc., etc.... all for $30.
Anyway, here's my question: I had never had a C-64c before and right after
I picked this one up wandered over to another place and saw something that
looked similar to it. It wasn't label Comodore or anything, but did have
the C= key on the keyboard. The keyboard was identical to the C-64c I have
except just above the keyboard the ======== (lines, vent, whatever)
doesn't go all the way across. On either side of this vent, whatever,
there are little 'bays' I guess that you might expect a label(s) to fit
into. Although there are none. On the back all it says is manufactured is
southern Australia. Could anyone please let me info. on this. Also, does
anyone know whwere to find a mouse for the C-64c that will work with the
Geos software I have or other.
|| Cord G. Coslor P.O. Box 308 - 1300 3rd St. Apt "M1" -- Peru, NE ||
|| (402) 872- 3272 coslor(a) 68421-0308 ||
|| Classic computer software and hardware collector ||
|| Autograph collector ||