There are two really nifty probes on Ebay of interest to anyone
following this thread.
One is for the Pentium, and the other is for the Pentium + MMX, both
socket 7,
I believe.
auction 7584878862 is for the pentium, and auction 7584877057 is for
the MMX one. the xxx8862 auction seems to have a processor, the xxx7057
one does not.
These are HP interposers, designed to go between a processor and socket, and
connect to a logic analyzer. I think they take power supplies, or may be
powered off the analyzer cables, I don't recall right now.
There is a run control connector visible on the top view photograph, so
if you
have an agilent e5900a or e5900b that allows you to stop the processor, you
are all set.