At 06:12 PM 10/17/2002 -0700, Eric Smith wrote:
One of the things people have worried about is how long
CD-ROM drives
will exist. I believe that twenty-five years from now it will not be
difficult to find a working drive that can read CD-ROMs, but that in
fifty years it will be somewhat difficult.
Even fifteen years from now, I suspect we'll have access to
technology that will make it possible to recover data from
archaic and perhaps even fading formats. I'm eagerly waiting
for something to reprocess some 8mm video tapes I took with
a Sony camcorder whose capacitors and capstans were weaving
in and out: immediate rewind and playback showed good video
and audio, but playback on other machines fails. I'm hoping to
find something to better digitize and re-stabilize these tapes.
- John